



The Origin of Halloween 萬聖節來歷

Halloween roots lie in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain which was celebrated in what is now Great Britain on a full moon around November 1st. Later the Roman Catholic Church named this day as All Saints Day, formerly known as All Hallowmas. All Saints Day is known in England as All Hallows' Day. The evening before All Saints' Day is All Hallows' Eve, the origin of the American word Halloween.

萬聖節起源於古代凱爾特人的薩温節(Samhain),生活在英倫列島的賽爾特人把11月1日左近的一個月圓日定為節日。後來羅馬天主教會把這一天命名為萬聖節,在英國被稱為All Hallows Day(萬聖節)。那麼萬聖“Hallow”加上前夜“een”就成為了Halloween這個美式表達。所以嚴格的説Halloween指的是萬聖節前夜。

In Britain Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. However, it is not a public holiday. If the 31st of October falls on a weekday people go to work as normal. The typical colours of Halloween are orange and black, seen on items such as black vampires and pumpkin lanterns.


Some popular Halloween activities in Britain 英國一些受歡迎的萬聖節活動



The Halloween celebrationcomes from All Hallows Day or All Saints Day, the 1st of November. This wasoriginally a pagan festival of the dead, but later became a holiday to honorChristian saints.

萬聖節的慶祝活動來源於每年11月1日的All Hallows Day 或All Saints Day。它原先是異教徒們紀念死者的節日,但是逐漸演變成一個紀念基督聖者的節日。

The name Halloween comesfrom a contraction of All Hallows Eve , the day before All HallowsDay. On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try tocome back to life!

Halloween這個詞來自於All Hallows Eve(夜晚),All Hallows Eve是All Hallows Day前一天的縮寫。人們認為在當天晚上,亡者的靈魂會重新復活!


南瓜 Pumpkin

糖果 Candy

妖精 Evil巫師Wizard

女巫 Witch

萬聖節服裝 Halloween costume

骨架 Skeleton

蝙蝠 Bat

妖精 Evil

面具 Mask

死神 Grim Reaper

蜘蛛網 Spider web

不給糖,就搗蛋 Trick or tread


1) trick or treat ,萬聖節小孩最喜歡的惡作劇遊戲


2) costume parties:


3) jack-o'-lanterns


4) prank: 惡作劇

5) haunted attractions: 鬼屋 探險