


Chinese Youth’s Day is on May 4th, it is to in honor of the students’ movement in the year of 1919, at that time, the government made a failing diplomacy in Paris, which resulted in signing the treaty of losing the land. When the students heard about this, they were so angry that they paraded around the street to go against the government’s decision. The movement is completely against the imperialism and feudalism, it has great effect on Chinese history.

Since then, the new Chinese government made that day as Youth’s Day to commemorate its influence. Now on that day, many activities will be hold, we could see the new feature in the young generation, they are brave and fight for their future.




The classmates! Today is May 4 "May 4th youth day!" Let me to explain what it is a holiday! The May 4th youth day: for the early years of the republic of China and the festival of the People's Republic of China, is a memorial on May 4, 1919 outbreaks of the may fourth movement and set up. It comes from China's anti-imperialist patriotic "the may fourth movement" in 1919, the May 4th patriotic movement is a thorough opposition to imperialism and feudalism patriotic movement. Is the beginning of the Chinese new-democratic revolution. Today told the school teacher to organize all the schools to "martyrs monument" worship offering there! We walk together hand in hand in the past, to the destination after our serious solemnly to bow to the front of the "monument", the teacher organization we want everyone to a bow, and let each person to send a flower, we listened to the shock of the national anthem, the in the mind have a kind of very exciting! We worship offering everyone sitting on the ground after listening to the teacher explained the militia and the situation of our country, we all listen to the class very seriously, even common attention not too seriously classmates today is particularly serious. After we finish listen to my heart has not said out of grief and respect! Teenagers to new China, fear no sacrifice, the spirit of not afraid of blood. We really want to good good study!

同學們!今天是五月四日“五四青年節!” 讓我來好好地講解一下這是個什麼的節日吧!五四青年節:為民國初年及中華人民共和國的節日,是為紀念1919年5月4日爆發的五四運動而設立的。它來源於中國1919年反帝愛國的“五四運動”,五四愛國運動是一次徹底的反對帝國主義和封建主義的愛國運動。也是中國新民主主義革命的開始。 今天學校吩咐全校老師組織全校學校去“烈士們的紀念碑”那裏拜祭!我們手牽着手一齊走路過去,到了目的地之後我們嚴肅莊嚴地去到“紀念碑”前鞠躬,老師組織我們要每人都要一個鞠躬,讓每人要送一朵花,我們聽着震撼的義勇軍進行曲,心裏有種無比的振奮!我們拜祭完後大家坐在地上聽老師講解我們國家的義勇軍和當時的情景,我們全班都聽的非常認真,連平常注意力不太認真的同學今天都特別認真。 我們聽完之後心裏都有着無法説出來的悲痛和敬佩!青少年為了新的中國,不怕犧牲,不怕流血的精神。我們真的要好好學習!