
空乘人員面試自我介紹 篇1

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. my name is Wang Lili, Im very gl ad to have this opportunity for an interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance toda y.I come from Longdong college in Qingyang city. The Professional is history . and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation i n June.20xx. In school ,I also had learned a little English and Japanese. I pa ssed CET6 with a ease.


Im interesrting in lectures,which includes C hinese culturesand other I also like to write article s and proses in free times. Besides,I love deeply blue sky and stewa rdess job,I admire I can fly in the sky in the future. In order to it,I often took tours to airport company in our city, in which I learned a lot of knowledge about Airline industry. Besides,my personality is cheerful and lively, and I have good relati onships.

I get along well with my classmate. I am a patient girl,too. I cherish this opportunity very much. I like this job of airport scre eners. I also want to through this opportunity to exercise me. My de sire is to work at the airport. I think this is a very challenging wo rk, as I hope you will give me a chance to work. I believe that I can adapt to the job, I will constantly improve ourselves in training, a nd strive after work hard.I hope you can give me this opportunity to let me prove myself. OK, that is all,thank you for your attention.

空乘人員面試自我介紹 篇2

Hello my name is.I am years old.I graduatedfrom .I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. Ill try my best to do everything use I love this job.

Good morning everyone, my name is .I am years old.I graduated from .I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. Ill try my best to do everything use I love this k you .

空乘人員面試自我介紹 篇3




空乘人員面試自我介紹 篇4


我是號選手,我來自。中原自古多才俊,在這塊人才輩出的熱土上,湧現出了諸如蘭空飛行員李劍英等天之驕子。如今,在一中受到了三年優秀教育的我,雖不能像李劍英那樣架雄鷹搏擊長空,可為了胸中那不滅的翱翔藍天的渴望,為了不辜負我 1米68的身高,不辜負五官端正、舉止端莊、極具親和力的面容,我希望能通過自己的努力成為一名空乘人員,工作在藍天白雲間,仰觀宇宙雲捲雲舒,俯看祖國大好河山。


空乘人員面試自我介紹 篇5






空乘人員面試自我介紹 篇6


