
dear hr leadership:


i regret that i give my official resignation to the company i came to the company just three months, and i'm very honored to be able to become a member of our company. during three months , i learned a lot, and the company's financial situation is also in good shape. i'm very grateful that the company gave me such a good environment to work and i need to resign for personal reasons. in regularization with my salary after the nature of work and measure my ability to work, i feel the salary is not with my expectations. so, i decided to resign.i hope my applications can be approved before june 20,i wish you good health icant: jackdate: june 22, XX


我很遺憾自己在這個時候向公司正式提出辭職。 我來公司剛好三個月了,也很榮幸自己能夠成為醫院的一員。在醫院工作的三個月中,我學到了很多東西,公司的經營狀況也處於良好的態勢。非常感激公司給予了我在這樣的良好環境中,工作和學習的機會。 但是我因為個人原因需要辭職。在對轉正後的薪資與我的工作性質和自己工作能力的衡量後,我覺得與自己的預期不相符合,出於對醫院制度的尊重及個人發展的考慮,我決定了辭職。 我希望在XX年7月20日之前完成工作交接,請領導安排工作交接人選。在未離開崗位之前,我一定會站好最後一班崗,我所在崗位的工作請領導儘管分配,我一定會盡自己的職,做好應該做的事。 望領導批准我的申請,並請協助辦理相關離職手續。 祝您身體健康,事業順心。並祝醫院以後事業蓬勃發展。