
三分鐘幼兒英語小故事演講 篇1

not long after an old chinese woman came back to china from her visit to her daughter in the states, she went to a city bank to deposit the us dollars her daughter gave her. at the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. it made the old lady out of patience.


at last she could not hold any more, uttering. "trust me, sir, and trust the money. they are real us dollars. they are directly from america."

三分鐘幼兒英語小故事演講 篇2

A man carves an idol and takes it to the fair. No one buys it, so he begins to shout in order to canvass the customer. 有人雕刻了一個赫爾墨斯的木像,拿到市場上去賣。因為沒有一個買主上前 He says that this idol can bring in wealth and good luck. One man says to the seller, “Hello, My friend, if this is so, you should have the advantages that the idol can bring, why do you want to sell it?” The seller says, “What I want is that I can get cash in at once. The profit from the idol is so slow. 他便大聲叫喊,想招攬生意,説有賜福招財的神出售。這時旁邊有一個人對他説道:“喂,朋友,既然這樣,你自己應該享受他的好處哇,為什麼還要賣掉他呢?” 他回答説:“我要的是現在馬上可以兑現的利益,這個神的利益卻來得很慢哪。” This story means: God will never respect people who make a profit by hook or crook. 這故事正是説那種不擇手段地求利,連神也不尊敬的人。

三分鐘幼兒英語小故事演講 篇3

A man goes into a bar with his dog. He goes up to the bar and asks for a drink.


The bartender says You can't bring that dog in here! The guy, without missing a beat, says This is my seeing-eye dog.


Oh man, the bartender says, I'm sorry, here, the first one's on me. The man takes his drink and goes to a table near the door.


Another guy walks into the bar with a Chihuahua. The first guys sees him, stops him and says You can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a seeing-eye dog.


The second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the bar. He asks for a drink. The bartender says Hey, you can't bring that dog in here!


The second man replies This is my seeing-eye dog. The bartender says, No, I don't think so. They do not have Chihuahuas as seeing-eye dogs.


The man pauses for a half-second and replies What?!?! They gave me a Chihuahua?!?
