
學生英語廣播稿 篇1

Good morning:


Boys and girls! Welcome to our Happy English! 親愛的老師們同學們:大家早上好! 我們英語之聲又和大家見面了。

A: Hello, boys and girls. I’m from Class Grade 。大家好,我是。

B:My name is from Class Grade 。我是。

AB:Nice to meet you.

A:同學們,上期我和大家説説怎樣學英語?相信同學們一定每天都堅持聽讀英語了吧!今天的“Say you Say me”,説你説我。和大家一起談一談歐美國家的一些禮儀習俗。



我們中國人見面打招呼時習慣説:您吃過了嗎?(Have you eaten? / Have you had your meal?)或者説:您上哪去?(Where are you going? )。而英美人見面時如果是上午則説:Good morning. 如果是在下午則説:Good afternoon, 在傍晚就説:Good evening. 如果與熟人打招呼則説:How are you? 如果是與較熟的人或朋友打招呼則説:Hello, 或Hi. 如果用我們中國人見面打招呼時常説的"Have you eaten?"去問候英美人,就會引起對方的誤解,因為"Have you eaten?"在英語裏不是打招呼用語,而是"邀請對方去吃飯"。如果見到英美人時説:"Where are you going?"他們會很不高興。因為"Where are you going?"對英美人來説則是"即干涉別人的私事。"


到別人家串門或作客,告辭時,英美人習慣説:"I should go now." 或 " I'd better be going now."意思都是"我得走了"。英美人在告辭時從不説:"I'll go back."(我回去了。)或"I'll go first."(我先走了。)因為在英語裏, "I'll go first."的意思是:"時間不早了,客人們該離開了。我先走給大家起了頭,其他客人也應該馬上離去。"

B:三、Addressing People 稱呼 平時,我們常聽到學生稱呼老師為"Teacher Wang"(王老師),"Teacher Li"(李老師),即便對外籍教師也是如此稱呼。其實這是不符合英美人習慣的。

在英語中,"teacher"不能用於稱呼。那麼怎麼來稱呼老師才符合英語習慣呢?一般來説,英美人稱呼中國小的男老師為"Sir",或Mr,女教師為"Miss",如 Mr wang Miss zhang Miss Green


A:ok,so much for today,good-bye!

國小生英語廣播稿 篇2

Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast. 同學們,早上好!歡迎大家收聽第十四期校園英語廣播,I’m Amy,我是Amy老師。Winter comes!冬天到了,聖誕節也快來到我們身邊了,在此,Amy老師要提前祝大家聖誕快樂,Merry Christmas!現在請大家跟Amy老師一起大聲讀:Merry Christmas!(跟讀) Merry Christmas!(跟讀)Wonderful! Amy老師聽到大家讀的都非常好,聖誕節的時候要記得跟老師和同學們説聲:“ Merry Christmas!”

下面,讓我們進入今天的第一個板塊“ Say you, say me ” 説你説我。(music)在這個版塊Amy 老師要和大家分享世界各地形形色色的天熱表達法,希望能在寒冬給大家帶來温暖的感覺,大家尤其是要注意聽英國人是如何表達熱的。

南非人説:“It’s so warm that the dog is chasing the cat, but both are walking!”(熱的狗都追不動貓了!)

捷克人説:“Flies are falling down tired!”(熱的蒼蠅都紛紛落下來!)

丹麥人説:“I’m sweating fat!”(我在出脂肪!)

比利時人説:“It’s stifling!”(真悶,讓人窒息啊!)

德國人説:“I am leaking!”(我的身體在滴水啊!)

香港人説:“Chicken leg is burning!”(雞腿在燃燒。)

伊朗人説:“It’s raining fire!”(不是下雨,是在下火啊!)

羅馬尼亞人説:“It’s so hot my tongue is hanging out!”(熱的我把舌頭都耷拉出來了!)

英國人説:“I am sweating like a chicken!”(汗出的像只雞!)

土耳其人説:“It is like a Turkish bath!”(像土耳其式洗澡)

阿拉伯人説:“Warm today, isn’t it?”(天真暖和,不是嗎?)

芬蘭人説:“It’s as hot as in a sauna!”(熱的像在蒸桑拿!)

澳大利亞人説:“Sticky as a box of frogs!”(像一盒子青蛙一樣黏)

加拿大人説:“You could fry eggs on the sidewalk.”(人行道上可以煎蛋了)

大家聽明白了嗎?最後,Amy老師要再重複一遍英國人是如何表達熱的,請大家一定要注意聽,英國人説:“I am sweating like a chicken!”(汗出的像只雞!)大家聽清楚了嗎?記住了嗎?


接下來是“Big big world”,大大的世界這一版塊,這一期Amy老師要給大家介紹一下the University of London, 倫敦大學。倫敦大學是一所聯合大學,是英聯邦歷史最悠久,規模最大,最具變化的大學之一。依照皇室憲章建立於1836年,倫敦大學現在被世界公認為高等教育的先導,包括二十個具有傑出聲譽的自我管理的學院,以及久負盛名的進修學院和多個重要的學術活動中心。倫敦大學學生人數為12萬5千人,包括接受大學遠程教育的對外課程的3萬4千名學生。倫敦大學的學院辦學規模,建院時間,以及傳統如同所學習的課程一樣各不相同。一些是擁有大量學生的多個系別設置的機構,而另一些則是專科的和小規模的學院。所有的學院都頒發倫敦大學的學位。憑藉學院和研究所的教學和科研質量,倫敦大學享有極高的國際聲譽。現在大家倫敦大學是否有了初步的認識呢?如果想進一步瞭解倫敦大學,可以上網查閲一下獲得更多信息。


接下來是今天的最後一個版塊了,charming music, 魅力音樂。本期Amy 老師要推薦給大家的魅力音樂是Jingle bell ,相信有許多同學都聽過這首聖誕節歌曲,讓我們一起再次感受一下這歡快的聖誕氛圍吧!(Jingle bell)

同學們,有到了我們有獎竟猜的時間了,首先Amy 老師要公佈一下上一期廣播的答案,一到三年級的答案是A. 6種,四到六年級的答案是“發現有事情不正常”,你答對了嗎?今天Amy 老師要分別給低年級和高年級的同學提個問題。首先,請一到三年級的同學們聽好了,你們的問題是今天Amy 老師給大家介紹了那一所大學呢?A. 倫敦大學 B. 紐約大學,接下來是四到六年級的同學了,你們的問題是“英國人是如何表達熱的呢?”A. I am sweating like a chicken. B. I am sweating like a dog. 請將答案交到你們的英語老師那吧!

好了,今天的英語廣播就到這了,thank you for listening, 謝謝大家的收聽,bye-bye!

國小生英語廣播稿 篇3

A、B: Good afternoon, everybody! Welcome to I love English. I'm your friend, William! I'm Mandy. Nice to see you again.

A: Mandy , do you like English story?

B: Of course, It's funny. How about you?

A: Me, too. 就在昨天下午第二節課舉行了八達國小第六屆英語故事比賽,有52名小選手參與了其中,為老師和部分學生充分展現了他們的英語才華,故事精彩紛呈,我也從中學到了很多。

B: 説得沒錯!有一位小選手讓我印象特別深刻,小小的年紀卻能説出那麼動聽的英語小故事,真棒!令在場所有的老師和同學們都讚歎不已!下面我們就請出今天這個環節的小主人公:來自二年三班的周旻昊小朋友!就讓她再為我們講講她的故事吧!


A: 真不錯!我也要向她學習。這週五周旻昊等八名同學將代表我們學校參加區英語故事比賽,預祝她們發揮出水平,取得不錯的成績,加油!

B: 加油!對了,William,你知道什麼是doggy bag 嗎?

A: Doggy bag 這可真難倒了我,你説説看!

B: 呵呵,不知道了吧!美國是一個很富裕的國家,可是美國人並不隨意浪費。例如,在餐館用餐時,如果點的食物沒吃完,他們會將剩下的飯菜打包回家。這時候用來打包的食物的紙袋子被稱為doggy bag,大家都知道 dog 是狗,那麼打包回家跟狗會有什麼關係呢?以前,美國人也不好意思把在餐館裏吃剩的東西帶回家,怕丟面子,所以,就經常有人會對服務員説:“ could you please wrap the rest of the food for me ? I’d like to take it home for my dog.(請把剩餘的食物給我包起來,好嗎?我想帶回家給我的狗吃。) doggy bag 一詞便這樣出現了。在當今的美國,人們把在餐館中吃剩的東西帶回家已經是習以為常了,沒有人會因為要把剩菜帶回家而感到不好意思了。

A:今天又新學了一個單詞,同學們你們也記住了嗎? Doggy bag 就是用來打包的食物的紙袋子。節目的最後是我們的charming music 魅力音樂。今天將聽到的歌曲是rivers of Babylon ,同樣是一首經典英語歌曲,希望大家喜歡。

A: ok , so much for today , see you!

國小生英語廣播稿 篇4


Today I am very happy,Because I can talk about with see I am a lovely girl,yes!I like laughing,I like `s me-- zhuyingjie from Badong shiyan primary school.I am eight. I am young but I know “we are the masters of nature.” We have only one earth. But now,the environment becomes worse and worse. As you know,there's no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.

My dear friend let us start from the trivial side,To be a good kid keeper.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇5

I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've learned about Zhang Heng and I've learned about Zheng says the Yellow River Civilization has vanished?

I know that my ancestors have made miracles on this fertile land and we're still making miracles. Who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our GNP ranks No. 7 in the world? We have experienced the plunders by other nations, and we have experienced the war. Yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----China, unyielding and unconquerable!

I once came across an American tourist. She said, “China has a history of five thousand years, but the US only has a history of 200 years. Five thousand years ago, China took the lead in the world, and now it is the US that is leading.”My heart was deeply touched by these words. It is true that we're still a developing nation, but it doesn't mean that we can despise ourselves. We have such a long-standing history, we have such abundant resources, we have such intelligent and diligent people, and we have enough to be proud of. We have reasons to say proudly:we are sure to take the lead in the world in the future again, for our problems are big, but our ambition is even bigger, our challenges are great, but our will is evengreater.

I am Chinese. I have inherited black hair and blackeyes. I have inherited the virtues of my ancestors. I have also taken over responsibility. I am sure, that wherever I go, whatever I do, I shall never forget that I am Chinese!

Thank you.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇6

Nothing succeeds like you are truly confident,it radiatesfrom you like sunlight,and attracts success to you like a magnet.

It's important to believe in eve that you can do it under anycircumstances,because if you believe you can,then you really beliefkeeps you searching for answers,which means that pretty soon you will getthem.

Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing exactly whereyou are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from actingwith integrity and comes from a strong sense of comesfrom a strong commitment to take responsibility,rather than just letting lifehappen.

One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get arecord of successful experiences behind you.

Confidence is compassionate and is not arrogant. Arroganceis born out of fear and insecurity,while confidence comes from strength idence is not just believing you can do it. Confidence is knowingyou can do that you are capable of accomplish anything you want,and liveyour life with confidence.

Anything can be achieved through focused,determined effort your life is not what you want it to be,you have the power tochange it,and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live yourpriorities. Live with your goals and your plan of action. Live each moment withyour priorities in mind. Act with your own purpose,and you will have the lifeyou want.







國小生英語廣播稿 篇7

hello,everybody ,i'm happy to make a speech name's sheng aifeng.i'm from kun tong primary y my topic is a story of a small village. next i will tell you a sad story about long ago,there was a beautiful village,it was my nice it was! look,there was a beautiful forest near river,the trees were tall and straight,the sky was blue, the air was flesh, it looked like a green le lived there with the development of the society,more and more buildings stood in our village,many new cupboardstables、chairs and others came out. so woods became fewer and fewer,even some floods ofen happened, people lived there r we hear the story,should we do something for it? we're young pioneers,proecting trees is our duty,let's do by ourselves.i hope everyone makes a contribution to protecting our environment, our hometown anji will become more and more beautiful.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇8

everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful. but what is true beauty? perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.

this morning i went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. on the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by. but he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down ead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly. we were all very angry with the young man. to our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home. we all praised the girl.

from this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance. a person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.

a man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and put his head out the window to check. as he did so a glaeye fell into his hand.

he looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down.

"is this yours?" he asked.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇9

What is success? Different people hold views on This question. Some think that one is successful if he can make a great deal of money. Others argue that success means holding an important government post. Still others believe that whoever has got high academic title is successful. It is clear that there are quite different opinions on success.

In order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverant and hardworking. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work even harder. You should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to it. In addition, you should pay great attention to your work method. It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work. Finally, it is important for you to get along well with your co-workers, care for each other and help each other. If you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in the future.

In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in one’s work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people. So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, I don’t think there’s any reason for him to be conceited.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇10

Hello! My name is .I'm ten. I study in WZ children arts school. I'm in Class one Grade four .

Welcome to Our ClassroomThis is my classroom. There is a sign on the door. It says: Welcome to Our Classroom!

There are many is my name is on it.

This is my teacher’s desk. There are many interesting things.

There is a fish bowl on the name is name is Swimmy.

There is a large blackboard on the front teacher writes our homework on it.

There is a birthday chart on the back teacher puts our names and birthdays on it.

There is a round clock above the tells us what time it is.

There are our drawings on the side is is Jenny’s.

There is a reading couch in the is my favorite place.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇11

my favourite super star is jj , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . now let me tell you the story about jj .

he enterde the music indestry at the year , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . he was noly hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soal , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived .

i like a song of him , it's name is cries in a distance , the song tells us ,nothing is sad if we belive the hope . he has many difficulty , but his song says , cries in a distance , can't stop the tremble , i'm just waiting my turn , hiding will never , save me forever , the guns gonne get me for sure . dear god i pray why won't you be my friend , come to me and take my hand ,like mama would say everything will be ok.

now he is not rather a shy singer and performer , the lyrical songs make him mature ,and now he is a man or not a boy .

he is a real super star with many fans ,the improve mark a big step forward confident .

國小生英語廣播稿 篇12

Hello! Everyone. I’m Tony, an 11-year-old happy boy.I live with my parents and we love each other.

I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing and reading I love animals most. Now I will tell you about my favorite animal.

They are very precious sea animals with long live on fish, shrimps and so are very clever. People often train them for performances which brings us a lot of happiness and are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger.

Now,do you know what they are? Yes, you are right. They are dolphins.

I hope we can take actions to protect dolphins, so they will always be with us.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇13

A little bird fly to south for the winter. It was very cold, almost frozen bird. Hence, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung upon the bird, frozen bird lying on the dunghill, feel very warm, gradually recovered, it is warm and comfortable lying, and soon began to sing songs, a passing wildcat hear voices, see, follow the voice, wildcats quickly found lying on the dunghill, bird, pull it out.

The way of existence: not everyone to lead the dung upon your people are your enemy. Each of you is not from the dunghill lire people are your friends, and, when you lying on the dunghill, had better keep your mouth shut.




國小生英語廣播稿 篇14

A Place to Sleep 睡覺的地方

By the time John pulled into the little town, every hotel room was taken. "You've got to have a room somewhere." he pleaded. "Or just a bed--I don't care where."

"Well, I do have a double room with one occupant," admitted the manager," and he might be glad to split the cost. But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in adjoining rooms have complained in the past. I'm not sure it'd be worth it to you."

"No problem," the tired traveler assured him. "I'll take it."

The next morning, John came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. When asked about how he slept, he replied, "Never better."

The manager was impressed. "No problem with the other guy snoring, then?"

"Nope. I shut him up in no time."

"How'd you manage that?"

"He was already in bed, snoring away, when I came in the room," John said. "I went over, gave him a kiss on the cheek, said, 'Goodnight, beautiful.' With that he sat up all night watching me."


My favourite colour is green,we can see the colour everywhere:tree leaves are green,grass is green and so n is also a healthy colour,during our lives,we seeing this colour more often is good for our eyes,and why we don't called those natural food like "Red Food","Blue Food" or "Purple Food"? So you can understand how impotant it n means life,hope youth and 's my favourite colour:Green,I hope more and more people will like green like me.

Thanks for listing!

國小生英語廣播稿 篇15

Hi, everyone! My name is . Today my topic is: “I Love English”.

English is now used everywhere in the world, It has become the most important language on internet. Learning English makse me confident and brings me great pleasure.

When I was eight , my father sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English song with other children. Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

Every day, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I like watching English movies for children, such as Finding Nemo, Harry Potter and so on. These movies not only improved my English, but also gave me a lot of fun. Outlook English also help me a lot in my English Studies, I have been watching this program for nearly two years.

I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America, because America is one of the most developed countries in the world. I also want to go to England, because English originated in England.

I love English, English has become part of my life. Do you like English, my friends? If you do, come with me. Let’s enjoy the fun of learning English built in a day.”

That’s all, thank you!

國小生英語廣播稿 篇16

good morning, my dear teachers and friends! my name is li bingke, fromclass four o five. today, i am very happy to be here. my topic is “ourschool”.

my dear friends, welcome to our school! my school is very beautiful! it hasa big playground. we can play and do some sports there. near the playground,there is a garden. many trees and flowers are there. so the air is very cleanand we can hear birds singing in the trees. it is so wonderful. our teachingbuildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’ arms to welcome can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books inthe library on the second floor. my classroom is on the third floor. it is cleanand bright. we like to study in it. the computer room is on the fifth floor. wecan sing and dance in the music room on the si_th floor. what a lot of fun! wecan have lunch in the canteen near defang teaching building.

in our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. westudy hard and listen to teachers carefully. after class, our teachers play withus and we feel very happy.

our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. we all love them. dearfriends, do you like them?

that's all. thanks!

早上好,我親愛的老師和朋友們!我的名字是李bingke ,來自一流的四個? 5 。今天,我很高興到這裏來。我的主題是“我們的學校” 。




國小生英語廣播稿 篇17

Learn How to Say No

We've all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. We can't say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don't have the time to help. In this case, we must know how to say no politely.

When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can't do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors is a part of life.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇18


When I was six years old, I began to go to school. The first school (which) I attended was a primary school. There were many subjects (which were taught in the school, such as Chinese, arithmetic, history, geography, drawing and so forth. Since I was (became) a student, I studied very hard. My parents were quite proud of me.

After I had studied there for three years, I entered a junior high school. When I was twelve years old, I became a student of a senior high school. I still studied very hard. Except on sick leave I was never absent from class. Everybody looked upon me as a model student.



國小生英語廣播稿 篇19

When I grow up, I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to move somewhere s sounds like a city that I could that enjoy.

There are lots of art exhibitions there. I want to be an artist . So how am I going to do it? First,I'mgoing to find a part-time job for a year or tow and save some money. Then I'm going to be astudent at an art school in Paris.

國小生英語廣播稿 篇20

Dear teacher and classmates:

I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I'd like to talk something about English.

I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.

On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.

I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy.

I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan.

I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.