



Sex :Female

Date of birth :1992.05

Nationality through: Jiangsu Xuzhou

Political affiliation :probationary member of the party

Major: metallic materials(anti corrosion field)

Contact address: Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Mengxi road zip code: 5482515

Contact telephone:

Electronic mailbox :

Certificate of honor:

English level six;

The national computer grade two ( VC++ ), Jiangsu province computer grade two ( outstanding );

20xx~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology two scholarships;

20xx ~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology three scholarships;

20xx ~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology three scholarships

From 20xx to 20xx, Jiangsu University of Science & Technology "three good" student ;

20xx ~20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology excellent League member;

20xx river of fifth welding competition three prize 20xx Jiangsu University of Science and Technology advanced individual in social practice

Personal experience:

The purpose of the winter vacation of 20xx as a college student volunteers in Zhenjiang intercity high-speed rail station served as a conductor, by Zhenjiang railway station, and passengers.

The purpose of the 20xx December in the world's largest retail chain enterprise Wal-Mart Store as a student staff, adhere to the corporate culture of " Our people make the difference ".

The purpose of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology in 20xx and practice base of metalworking practice, on a lathe, milling machine, planer, casting, CNC, fitter and other basic skills.

The purpose of the 20xx August ~ September in Shanghai professional visit practice, learning enterprise in the flag of Shanghai Waigaoqiao shipyard, Hudong Zhonghua shipyard and Chinese iron and steel enterprises in Shanghai Baosteel Group, in-depth understanding of ship outfitting and painting and shipbuilding process, recognize shipbuilding market.

The purpose of 20xx~20xx as the Jiangsu science and Technology University Psychological Association vice president, planning organizations involved in psychological knowledge contest, psychological film festivals and other activities.

The purpose of 20xx~20xx served as class vice monitor, positive for the class service, striving for the good style of class.

The purpose of the 20xx as " deep sea wind turbine structure design of the floating platform " a representative to attend the sixth session of China ( Shanghai) International Wind Energy Exhibition and conference and learning.

Professional skills:

The purpose of major in painting process, chemical coatings, metal materials, electrochemical corrosion, corrosion resistant metal materials, material protection, polymer design master course, corrosion monitoring, detection of coating and coating film and basic method.

Familiar with basic computer operation, and skilled use of Word, Excl and other Office series of office software.

Familiar with PS, CAD, MS Modeling, Samtech cartography software use.

Personal characteristics:

The purpose of work hard, do not be afraid of bear hardships, be good at cooperation, strong team spirit;

The purpose of distress when they are good put forward solutions, " do what you can do today ".


Long table tennis, badminton, jogging.





寫作英文簡歷時,準確使用動詞可以幫助你製作一份靈動的簡歷,刻畫出學習、實習經歷中最主要、最精彩的部分,給讀者營造身臨其境的真實感。比如,organized -- 組織(活動),interviewed -- 採訪(人物), wrote -- 撰寫(文章或報告), calculated -- 計算(投資回報)等等。千萬不要把最出彩的地方埋在乏善可陳的信息裏,它們需要被突出呈現。比如,有位同學做亞運會的志願者,在媒體運行組,由於工作表現好,被評為最佳志願者。大部分同學的簡歷在處理類似獲獎信息時,只是把獎項簡單列出來。而如果結合動詞描述服務內容,則該獎項會顯得難能可貴。

僱主會選擇那些能為公司帶來正面影響或價值的人。簡歷需要體現出主人公在學習和實習活動中的成績。因此,不妨在梳理個人經歷時,思考一下自己的努力付出產生了怎樣的影響。很多同學喜歡妄自菲薄,覺得自己不過是個實習生,根本不可能發揮什麼作用。有個顧客甚至對我説:“你把大學生實習太當回事了,其實都是很瑣碎的活兒。”殊不知,千里之行始於足下。如果自己不把自己的實習經歷當回事,怎麼可能看到努力帶來的效果呢?上面提到的那位在亞運會做志願者的同學,她的服務表現獲得了國外記者的表揚,充分展示了大學生志願者的風采。她把每一項任務都“當回事”,認真付出做好,才有了後來更加出色的經歷。只要你認真對待實習,認真配合實習單位其他僱員的工作,一定能想起值得放入簡歷的收穫!在表達自己的成績或者收穫時,英文動詞又有了用武之地,比如enhanced, improved,upgraded, revitalized, initiated, increased,created等。如果成績和收穫可以用數字量化效果就更好了。





簡歷完成後,一定要仔細檢查!檢查多少遍都不為過。即便是我們的老師在為同學們做簡歷時,以每位老師超過十年的英文寫作功力,我們一樣會每人至少檢查五遍,然後交叉檢查,最後是店主review。有時候在微博上看到同學們發佈的個人英文簡歷,放眼望去到處是錯漏。運籌帷幄、費了無數腦細胞做好的英文簡歷,千萬不要敗在小節上。這樣的人,僱主最怕。為什麼?倘若僱主招一個市場人員,這樣的人做出的ppT足以毀掉客户會面;如果是IT工作者,這樣的人得寫出多少BUG? 在事務性小事上,都如此粗心錯漏,何談思慮更重要的大事?希望大家不要過早鬆勁,直到確定沒有錯誤,發送簡歷後才可以真正歇口氣。
