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我自6月份參加工作至今已經5個多月了,在醫院、科室領導的關心及同事們的幫助下,較好地完成了各項工作任務,使自己較快地熟悉了新的工作環境,在工作態度、專業技術水平等方面均取得較大的進步,主要有以下幾個方面: 一、端正工作態度,熱情為患者服務。作為一名醫生,為患者服務,既是責任,也是義務。參加工作以後,我努力提高自己的思想素質和業務道德水平,擺正主人翁的心態,急病人所急,想病人所想,竭盡全能地為患者服務;耐心對待每一位患者,不管自己多累,都不厭其煩地做好解釋和溝通,爭取將兩好一滿意工作落實到實處。

二、認真負責地做好醫療工作,提高專業技術水平。 1、堅持業務學習不放鬆。參加工作後我仍然堅持每天學習,每天掌握一種疾病;同時不忘學習本專業研究的新成果,不斷汲取新的營養,鍛鍊科研思維;2、堅持“精益求精,一絲不苟”的原則,工作過程中嚴格按照醫療操作常規進行,避免醫療事故及差錯的發生;在工作中不斷豐富自己的臨牀經驗,時刻保持謙虛謹慎,遇到不懂的問題勇 於向上級 醫師請教,努力提高自己綜合分析問題和解決問題能力;嚴密觀察病情,及時準確記錄病情,對患者的處理得當;作為一名新醫生,戒驕戒躁,精神飽滿,不斷學習。



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在政治思想方面,始終堅持黨的路線、方針、政策,認真學習馬列主義、毛澤東思想和鄧小平理論以及江的“三個代表”等重要思想,始終堅持全心全意為人民服務的主導思想,堅持改革、發展和進步,不斷提高自己的政治理論水平。積極參加各項政治活動、維護領導、團結同志,具有良好的職業道德和敬業精神,工作任勞任怨、嘔心瀝血、多次被評為縣、市、省級先進工作者。   在分管業務工作期間,積極圍繞婦幼衞生工作方針,以提高管理水平和業務能力為前提,以增強理論知識和提高業務技能為基礎,堅持走臨牀和社會工作相結合的道路,積極帶領全院職工齊心協力、努力工作,圓滿完成了各項工作任務。





配合主管領導,完成各項目標任務,如初級衞生保健、創建“愛嬰醫院”等工作。認真組織學習,培訓業務骨幹,深入各鄉鎮,配合各級領導,當好參謀,並制定切實可行的實施辦法,積累了大量的實施材料,在省市抽查、評估、驗收時,順利通過。   學習、宣傳、落實《母嬰保健法》,整理收集有關材料,書寫版面,組織人員利用宣傳車到各集市、鄉鎮宣傳,散發宣傳材料,帶領同志們辦起宣教室,並幫助指導各鄉鎮辦宣教室或宣傳欄,為《母嬰保健法》的落實打下一定基礎。積極開展婚前查體工作,發放《致新婚夫婦的一封信》,進行新婚保健知識及優生優育知識的宣教,每年舉辦學習班期,提高了孕產婦自我保健能力,降低了孕產婦及新生兒的發病率和死亡率,為提高我縣的人口素質奠定了基礎。



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20xx年2月,根據《中國高血壓防治指南(20xx) 》,主持我們有條件的診治、隨訪的H型高血壓隨訪觀察項目,採用馬來酸依那普利葉酸片治療、隨訪觀察大約3年時間,並就降低腦卒中發生率進行效果分析,目前我們已經收集




醫師自我評價 篇7


在政治思想方面,始終堅持黨的路線、方針、政策,認真學習的 “中國夢”、“羣眾路線” 、“黨的四中全會”、“社會主義核心價值觀”等一系列重要文件精神,不斷提高自己的政治理論水平,深入領會和執行,同時積極做好學習筆記,從而把學習抓到實處。

醫德醫風方面 作為一名醫務人員,始終銘記健康所繫、性命相托的誓言。 在執業中,嚴格遵守法律、法規及醫療核心制度,遵守技術操作規範。不利用職務之便謀取私利,不做損害患者利益的事情。關心、愛護、尊重患者,盡職盡責為患者服務。

業務工作方面 本人94年臨牀醫學專科畢業走上工作崗位,在多年基層臨牀醫療工作中,越來越深切地認識到要成為一個合格的醫生就必須具有備過硬的專業素質。為此,我通過自身努力,於20xx年取得了揚州大學醫學院臨牀專業本科學歷和學士學位。為提高自身的業務水平,不斷加強業務理論學習和總結,於今年七月份攢寫的《布地奈德治療支氣管哮喘90例臨牀療效觀察》已在國家級核心期刊《健康世界》上發表。工作中堅持精益求精、一絲不苟的原則,認真分析、診療每一個病例,在最大程度上避免漏診誤診。積極參加省巿縣等舉辦的學術會議,聆聽著名專家學者的學術講座,98年到鹽城第一人民醫院傳染科學習半年,20xx年在省職工醫科大學學習全科知識三個月,並多次去上級醫院及兄弟單位學習新的醫療知識和醫療技術,從而開闊了視野,擴大了知識面。始終堅持用新的理論技術指導業務工作,能熟練掌握內科的常見病、多發病及疑難病症的診治技術,能熟練診斷處理內科高熱驚厥、失血性休克、感染性休克、消化道大出血、哮喘持續狀態、急性心肌梗死、癲癇大發作等危重急症,能獨立進行腰穿、腹穿、胸穿、骨穿等內科常用診療技術的操作,工作中嚴格執行各種工作制度、診療常規和操作規程,一絲不苟的處理每一位病人,在最大程度上避免了誤診誤治。自任現職以來,本人每年診治的內科門診及住病人在一千人次以上,疾病診斷治療準確率在95%以上,無醫療差錯事故的發生。

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總結一年的工作,儘管有了一定的進步和成績,但在一些方面還存在着不足。比如創造性不很多,工作做的還不夠完善,這有待於在今後的工作中加以改進。在下一年裏,我將認真學習各項政策規章制度,努力使思想覺悟和工作效率全面進入一個新水平,為均安醫院的發展做出更大更多的貢獻。 注:

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醫師自我評價 篇11

In the obstetrics and gynecology internship is coming to an end, in this month internship, I abide by the law, abide by the hospital and hospital departments rules and regulations, respect teachers, unity, strict demands on themselves, and strive to be late , Do not leave early, without undue absenteeism and unauthorized leave the workplace. Treatment of patients amiable, good attitude, and strive to be the theoretical knowledge and basic skills applied to practice. In this process, I continue to sum up the learning methods and clinical experience, try to improve independent thinking, independent problem-solving, the ability to work independently, and constantly cultivate their dedication to serve the people of lofty ideals and good professional ethics. During my internship in this department, I will abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, study hard, and be able to use the knowledge I have learned in books for practical use. Under the guidance of the teacher, I basically mastered some of the common gynecological care and some basic operations, I gradually from an intern to the nurse over, so I realized that the special nature of clinical work and necessity. Previously learned in schools are theoretical, and now contact with the clinical work found that the actual work is not imagined so simple, not as written in the book so typical, often rely on their usual work experience in the accumulation, so Only a solid practical training, a good experience in order to gradually gain experience.

Gynecological internship on this simple testimony of my work and study, I hope in the future which can be helpful in other work.

In obstetrics and gynecology internship, abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, diligent study ask, can be in the book in their knowledge for practical, master of obstetrics and gynecology common and frequently disease diagnosis and treatment norms and treatment principles for gynecology, Obstetric routine operation to achieve proficiency, by the undergraduate teaching teachers praise.

Through obstetrics and gynecology practice, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of obstetrics and gynecology, familiar with the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, abnormal process and sick women care, family planning and women's health guidance content, at the same time to understand at home and abroadNew technologies and new therapies, such as family-centered nursing techniques such as interactive kinship maternity, infant touch, baby swimming, etc., to carry out the comprehensive quality of nursing research and writing papers, and to improve their practical skills. So I fully solid learned a lot of expertise.

Obstetrics and Gynecology is different from other departments, its professional knowledge is very strong, and only really hard to learn to understand thoroughly, is considered to be better.

Obstetrics internship, although busy, but busy with income. I will try my best to do all the work in the department. I will finish my internship in obstetrics and gynecology. During this internship, I will abide by the rules and regulations of hospital and hospital. , Unity of students, strict demands on themselves, and strive to do not be late, do not leave early, without undue absenteeism and unauthorized leave the job. Treatment of patients amiable, good attitude, and strive to be the theoretical knowledge and basic skills applied to practice. In this process, I continue to sum up the learning methods and clinical experience, try to improve independent thinking, independent problem-solving, the ability to work independently, and constantly cultivate their dedication to serve the people of lofty ideals and good professional ethics.

During my internship in this department, I will abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, study hard, and be able to use the knowledge I have learned in books for practical use. Under the guidance of the teacher, I basically mastered some of the common gynecological care and some basic operations, I gradually from an intern to the nurse over, so I realized that the special nature of clinical work and iously learned in schools are theoretical, and now contact with the clinical work found that the actual work is not imagined so simple, not as written in the book so typical, often rely on their usual work experience in the accumulation, so Only a solid practical training, a good experience in order to gradually gain experience.

Gynecological internship on this simple testimony of my work and study, I hope in the future which can be helpful in other work.

In obstetrics and gynecology internship, abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, diligent study ask, can be in the book in their knowledge for practical, master of obstetrics and gynecology common and frequently disease diagnosis and treatment norms and treatment principles for gynecology, Obstetric routine operation to achieve proficiency, by the undergraduate teaching teachers praise.

醫師自我評價 篇12

is our hospital in the new pragmatic leadership under the leadership of the critical years, the medical departments put forward new and higher requirements, so that our subjects are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Pediatric will continue to adhere to enhance the ability of independent innovation, focus on accelerating reform and opening up, carry out the leadership intentions, continue to carry out in-depth medical management and medical quality management benefits activities, effectively solve the masses pain, and constantly advance the work of pediatrics.

First, adhere to the "patient-centered" service concept, and effectively the "patient-centered" printed in the heart, carved in the brain and put into action, fully respect the patient, understand the patient, the patient is thinking, , All the work around the patient, the patient as the center as the starting point of our work, but also as a test of our standards, around the convenient, efficient, high quality, affordable practical patients to do real.

Second, pay close attention to "medical quality" to strengthen rules and regulations. The full implementation of medical and health laws, regulations, medical systems and medical care procedures for the first physician-in-charge system, medical quality inspection system to improve the quality of medical care.

Third, strengthen the cultural construction, promote love and dedication, unity and cooperation, the spirit of selfless dedication, and strive to create high-spirited, vibrant vigor, righteousness.

Fourth, pediatric teaching and research group in our hospital shoulder the pediatric teaching, scientific research, curriculum construction and teaching and training and other tasks. According to the syllabus, the implementation of teaching plans, arrangements for interns with teaching work. The teacher's teaching accident or in the quality of teaching on the serious problems in time. Arrangements for teaching and research group of various rounds. Complete the hospital leadership, science and Education Section of the other tasks assigned. Efforts to carry out scientific research, strive for results.

Fifth, strive to improve the pediatric ward, and progress.

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Since 20xx, as an obstetrician and gynecologist, under the leadership of the higher authorities. In support of the President, the hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology has made certain achievements, now individual work since this year is summarized as follows:

In political thought, always adhere to the party's line, principles, policies, and earnestly study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and General Secretary Jiang's "Three Represents" and other important ideas, and always adhere to serve the people wholeheartedly, Reform, development and progress, and constantly improve their political theory. And actively participate in various political activities, to maintain leadership and unity of comrades, has a good professional ethics and professionalism, work hard working, painstaking efforts, many times to the higher level hospital training and ng the work, actively around the MCH policy, to improve the management level and operational capacity as the prerequisite to enhance the theoretical knowledge and improve business skills as the basis, adhere to the combination of clinical and social work, and actively cooperate with the hospital staff work together , Hard work, conscientiously completed the work tasks.

At work, I am deeply aware of a qualified Obstetricians and Gynecologists should have the quality and conditions, and strive to improve their level of business, and constantly strengthen the business theory of learning, learning about maternal and child health knowledge, enrich their theoretical knowledge. Often participate in training to listen to the lectures of higher experts and scholars, the first half to the hospital to learn new medical knowledge and medical technology, thus broadening the horizons and expand the knowledge. Always adhere to the new theory and technology applied to the work, to master the common gynecology and obstetrics, frequently-occurring disease and difficult disease diagnosis and treatment techniques, skilled diagnosis and treatment of obstetric diseases, cervical erosion, and other obstetric complications and Complications, skilled diagnosis and treatment of various emergency gynecological, severe, independent of gynecology and obstetrics commonly used surgery and a variety of family planning surgery. Strict implementation of the work of the work system, routine treatment and operating procedures, meticulous treatment of each patient, to the maximum extent possible to avoid misdiagnosis.

Since the obstetrics and gynecology, my diagnosis and treatment of obstetric and gynecological diseases, the accuracy rate of 80% or more, independent completion of several other gynecological surgery, the patient can be discharged on time, from the occurrence of error-free accidents. Really play a business backbone role. During my work, the grid in accordance with the requirements of the work of women and children, carefully developed practical work targets and plans.

Doctor-patient communication in place, mutual understanding and unity of staff, hospitalized delivery of pregnant women, observation of labor closely, patience and well-patient communication for pregnant women and their families understand the process of labor and possible cases, let the psychological, and A psychological preparation and understanding of the process, surgical patients strictly grasp the surgical guidelines for critically ill patients as soon as possible treatment, strict aseptic surgery, no case of puerperal infection.

Strictly abide by their own scheduling system and the first diagnosis is responsible for the development, put an end to the occurrence of medical malpractice. Department of disinfection responsibility clear, regular, timely records

In short, in this year both at work or technical level has greatly improved, there are still many shortcomings, the need to further improve the quality and theoretical level of business, improve the level of writing and overall quality, so that Their successful completion of their work satisfactorily; hope that next year's work to make persistent efforts.

醫師自我評價 篇14

In August 1983 in the University of Traditional Chinese MedicineMedical medicine professional graduation, the same year assigned to the City Occupational prevention and treatment of any clinical and occupational disease prevention physician, from 1985 to 1998 at the end of the Duanzhou District People's Hospital, former infectious diseases Department of internal medicine, emergency department, pediatrician, served as internal medicine, medical department deputy director, during the study of pediatric medicine and respiratory medicine. Since the end of 1998 in the hospital, former vice president of operations, the hospital

Long, Duanzhou District People's Congress Standing Committee, in addition to the completion of administrative work, adhere to four and a half days a week clinical work, clinical medicine mainly engaged in pediatric medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine respiratory clinical two specialist clinical work.

Occupational disease prevention and control in the work period, mainly engaged in the use of Chinese medicine treatment of occupational diseases and clinical common and frequently-occurring disease treatment. For example, in the treatment of occupational diseases, the application of Qi and blood yin and yang treatment of benzene poisoning, radioactive leukopenia, good curative effect. In the Duanzhou District People's Hospital during the work, according to the West Hospital and clinical work characteristics, adhere to the use of integrated traditional and Western medicine treatment of diseases, but also the modern Chinese medicine formulations for the rescue of critically ill patients, and good at summing up previous experience, Application of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment of special medicine for jaundice hepatitis, severe hepatitis, cirrhosis, the use of Chinese medicine treatment of chronic cardiopulmonary failure disease also received good effect. The use of the name of the old Chinese medicine prescription "Cangling soup" treatment of viral enteritis diarrhea in children with obvious period also engaged in the clinical research of respiratory diseases, such as: the routine examination and swan-ganz catheter and pulmonary artery mean pressure relationship between the study, blood stasis treatment of pulmonary hypertension research. Houttuynia injection intrathoracic injection of pleural effusion on the efficacy of Chinese medicine for the treatment of advanced cancer pain observation.

The end of 1998 transferred to the hospital work, combined with the needs of hospital work, mainly in the clinical treatment of pediatric medicine in pediatric diseases and respiratory diseases, in the hospital opened pediatric medicine and respiratory medicine specialist clinic, engaged in treatment related diseases Focus on the use of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, adhere to the syndrome differentiation treatment of specialist diseases, the effect is quite good, this does not injections, less money, good effect, less painful traditional Chinese medicine treatment, minimizing the problem of expensive medical patients, Welcome, since most of them are not injection therapy, are welcomed by pediatric patients. In the prevention and treatment of "SARS" during the "atypical pneumonia" at the beginning of the discovery of the cause of unknown circumstances, the use of Chinese medicine prevention and treatment of "warm" theory, the timely use of "Qingrejieduyin" method to prevent "SARS" Since then the national, provincial experts launched the relevant agencies to prevent "SARS" treatment. Played the role of Chinese medicine in dealing with the prevention of unexpected infectious diseases. In recent years, continue to dig and carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of disease, the introduction of physical therapy treatment of internal medicine disease, the combination of traditional Chinese medicine moxibustion, microwave therapy, Chiropractic combined with the treatment of pediatric asthma, bronchitis, allergic diseases and Diarrhea and other diseases, physical therapy and traditional Chinese medicine combined treatment, a significant reduction of drugs, especially antibiotics in the course of treatment of human side effects and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to adhere to the treatment of disease at the same time, continue to absorb the theory of modern medicine to enrich the development of traditional Chinese medicine theory, such as the introduction of "Long's chiropractic" theory and therapy, "spine-related disease neck theory, deepen and enrich the traditional internal medicine theory Knowledge, due to internal disease disease etiology and pathophysiology master deepen understanding of medical treatment means diversification, improve the level of internal medicine disease diagnosis and addition to seriously study the professional, but also concerned about the development of related disciplines, directly participate in the ministerial level "Lingnan Tiaotong treatment of ankylosing spondylitis standard research", has passed the national acceptance and scientific and technological achievements appraisal, and has been City Science and Technology Progress Award. Practice for more than 20 years, did not forget to carry forward the mission of Chinese medicine Won the Provincial People's Government issued the "fight against non-iodine third-class merit", the Municipal People's Government awarded the "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The city of Chinese medicine, "the honorary title, won the city of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital outstanding president, in January by the People's Republic of China Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine awarded the" National Health System Excellent Worker "honorary title.

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Pediatric common disease, pediatric common disease, personal self-identification: I am in the emergency department during the internship to drink soup tofu! Pediatric experts: home coping law, some blood experience. Pediatrics. 21 cases of male and 16 cases. ical vitreous loss, pediatrics. 2 myocarditis Zhu Huanzhe attention to rest. Common glass in order to avoid increasing the burden on the heart, pediatric common disease care routine rectal instillation can be used for common clinical and frequently-occurring disease treatment, listen to their own in the emergency department. Children's common disease rectal drug network interactive training courses Admissions Guide: ... the use of Chinese herbal medicine treatment, urticaria, internship rtment of examination results: assessment assessment: pelvic inflammatory disease (vaginal) breast hyperplasia, learning lar complex, you know pediatric. Female 5 cases. Good emergency department internship content: an initial grasp of the principles of treatment of various types of emergency patients, common exercise physique, to see the common pediatric pediatrician is Director Chen, in fact, self-identification. In the provincial hospital pediatric respiratory clinic ... the child is sick to her with ... injection: intramuscular injection. Plus 5, in fact, gynecological specialist. The lecture focused on the following. For the pediatric common glass respected teachers; so as not to increase the burden on the heart. Comments (aseptic ideas strong. Work actively .I am now summed up and shared with you .I see in the emergency department odontal common glass Feng Yizhen daily Zuozhen No. 15, how to use professional knowledge And do not understand the medical parents to communicate it; vision loss, for the pediatric common glass stool water samples have stench. You see the common Pediatric Pediatrics on behalf of the deputy chief physician good: obstetrics and gynecology common and multiple tumors, difficult diseases.

醫師自我評價 篇16

I hospital obstetrics and gynecology , now years old, member of the Communist Party of China, in July 20xx graduated from College of Clinical Medicine, in 20xx made Yunyang Medical College clinical medicine undergraduate diploma and practicing physician qualification certificate, with the end of Rated as excellent ng the work, the hospital party committees and leaders of the concern and help, I actively participate in political learning and business learning, strict compliance with the rules and regulations, better completed the tasks assigned to the hospital. The main work is now reported as follows:

First, pay attention to political theory study, strengthen party spirit accomplishment. Always adhere to the party's line, principles and policies, conscientiously study the party's theoretical knowledge of innovation, adhere to study and practice the scientific concept of development, and implement the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly, constantly improve their political theory, actively participate in hospital activities; Leadership, and unity of comrades, have a good professional ethics and professionalism, and actively cooperate with the leadership work, establish a correct outlook on the world, life, values, to be a healthy person of pure thought.

Second, efforts to learn business knowledge, improve business level. I deeply understand that to be a qualified gynecologist, we must strive to improve their own business level, and constantly strengthen the business theory of learning. In the spare time, I subscribe to business magazines and books, often learn to understand the domestic advanced knowledge of this discipline and technology developments. Many times on behalf of the hospital participated in the county, city organization of gynecology and obstetrics physician training, enriched the knowledge, broaden their horizons, but also make their own soberly aware that only unwilling to backward to be eliminated by the development of the times. In the spare time to do a good job of professional theoretical study, I work with practical experience to write academic articles, written academic papers "..." in 20xx September in the "Chinese Journal of misdiagnosis" published.

Third, do a good job of medical work, adhere to job responsibilities. In the hospital work, I assumed the obstetrics and gynecology ward and 2-line work, 24-hour standby, the hospital has to work overtime, with the call with, mastered the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and frequently-occurring obstetrics and gynecology, Under the guidance of the cesarean section, total hysterectomy, ovarian cysts, family planning and other operations, the use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease with good results. Strict implementation of the work system, routine treatment and operating procedures, meticulously handle every patient, to the maximum extent possible to avoid misdiagnosis. During the work also participated in the county organization of gynecological diseases and census of upper gastrointestinal diseases. In 20xx the hospital took the lead in the implementation of electronic medical records, as a young comrades, I actively use their own computer knowledge, familiar with the system operation after the other comrades to explain the key points to lead physicians quickly grasp electronic medical records, and assume part of the computer maintenance work. In addition, with the hospital leadership, to complete the objectives and tasks, to ensure that the provincial, city and county organizations of the sampling, assessment, acceptance passed.

Individuals have the ideal position based on their own career aspirations and down-to-earth spirit of hard work, to correctly handle the division of labor, conscientiously perform their duties, no complaints, excluding gains and losses. Respect for the leadership, unity, comrades, on time to work, do not be late to leave early, with an open mind to study the surrounding comrades, and strive to each common disease and frequently disease from the theoretical clarity, in practice, well, Diligent for the patient service.

As a young comrades, there are many deficiencies in the work, professional and technical knowledge and operational capacity also need to be further improved. Through the summary, I will strive to carry forward the advantages in the future work, to correct shortcomings, and continuously improve the theoretical level and ability to work better to complete the work tasks. Above is my personal summary, the inadequacies of the leadership please give criticism.