













附件:shophouse unit lease contractthis agreement is made at _________, on the _________day of_________ , between _________, hereinafter called the "lessor" and mr./mrs/miss _________, hereinafter called the "lessee" parties to the contract agree as follows:

lessor agrees to lease and the lessee agrees to take on lease unit(s) of shophouses, room nos _________, situated at _________road, tambon _________, district of _________, province of _________, with telephone number _________, for a period of _________ years at a monthly rental of _________ baht.

lease period aforementioned in clause 1 shall be effective as of the date the lessor completes all details as in clause 3, and notifies the lessee in writing within 7 days thereof.

lessor agrees to complete repair of the shophouse in accordance with the following details:_________.

this contract signing date, the lessor has received a deposit as rent security amounting to_________baht. should the lessee be overdue on rent payment for any month, the lessee agrees for the lessor to immediately deduct the amount due from the said deposit as rent payment.

lessee agrees to pay rent to the lessor by or before the_________th day of every month. should the lessee be in default of rent payment within the said period, the lessee agrees that this contract then becomes extinct without any notification.

ent of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by the lessee.

ld the shophouse be legally condemned before expiration of the contract, the parties agree that the contract becomes extinct and shall not claim any damages from each other. provided that the lessee still resides in the building for which the lessee shall pay rent to the lessor until the lessee moves out of the building and completes handover of the building to the lessor.

lessee agrees to pay rent and all telephone bills to the telephone organization of _________ from the day of the enforcement of this contract.

lessor agrees that he shall not increase the rent for a period of 2 years from the date of this contract or (signature) :_________

 lessee (signature) :_________


甲方(出租方): 深圳市港嘉工程檢測有限公司

乙方(承租方):廣東水電二局股份有限公司 根據《中華人民共和國合同法》及有關規定,為明確甲乙雙方的權利義務關係,經雙方協商一致,訂立本合同。

第一條 產品編號名稱.品牌型號.售價租價等。

第二條 租賃期限:測量儀器的租賃期限暫定自年月日至20xx年xx月xx日。 如遇特殊情況,乙方應在歸還日之前一天通知甲方,徵得甲方同意後,在不超過規定時間的12小時內歸還儀器。如因乙方技術不成熟需暫停租賃,則在懸掛期內甲方可給予免費,但懸掛期不得超過7天。 第三條 租金和租金的交納期限:


第四條 租賃期間租賃儀器的維修保養:

1、 甲乙雙方確認租賃關係之時,雙方應對儀器的質量、成色共同確認,租賃儀器由甲方移交給乙方之時起,甲方負責正常的維修保養及普通故障的排除。

2、 因乙方使用不當,導致租賃儀器硬件出現故障或受損無法使用,乙方不得自行拆


第五條 出租方與承租方的變更。

1. 在租賃期間,甲方如將出租儀器所有權轉移給第三方,應通知乙方,徵求乙方同意後可用相同性能的儀器代替出租,但甲、乙雙方應對價格進行再次確認並訂立新的合同。

2. 在租賃期間,乙方可隨時終止租賃,繳納的租金以實際使用時間所屬期間支付給甲方;

3. 乙方享有儀器的使用權,但不得轉讓或作為財產抵押,未經甲方同意亦不得在設備上增加或拆除任何部件。

第六條 違約責任:

1、 甲乙雙方一方不履行合同義務或者履行合同義務不符合約定的,應當承擔繼續履行、採取補救措施或者賠償損失等違約責任。在履行義務或者採取補救措施後,對方還有其他損失的,應當賠償損失。

2、 甲乙雙方一方明確表示或者以自己的行為表明不履行合同義務的,對方可以在履行期限屆滿之前要求其承擔違約責任。

3、 甲乙雙方都違反合同的,應當各自承擔相應的責任。

4、 甲乙雙方一方因第三人的原因造成違約的,應當向對方承擔違約責任。甲乙雙方一方和第三人之間的糾紛,依照法律規定或者按照約定解決。

第七條 爭議的解決方式:甲乙雙方可協商解決或到當地仲裁機關申請仲裁,仍不能解決時可訴之於法。

第八條 本合同在規定的租賃期屆滿前日內,雙方如願意延長租賃期,應重新簽訂合同。 本合同未盡事宜,一律按《中華人民共和國合同法》的有關規定,經合同雙方共同協商,做出補充規定,補充規定與本合同具有同等效力。


甲方經辦人: 乙方經辦人: 委託代理人(簽章): 委託代理人(簽章): 簽約地點:

簽約時間: 年

月 日 簽約地點 簽約時間: 年 月 日