
掌握演講技巧是人的必備素養之一,人生在世,無論是求學還是求職,難免有時候要演講,這時候如果你能夠露一手,技驚四座,很可能馬上讓別人刮目相看。今天和大家分享TED的演講教練Amy Wolff 分享的5個超實用演講技巧,讓你離演講達人之路更進一步。




I have five speaking tips for you whenever you're in public,whether that's in a small classroom,at a boardroom table,or maybe you're just a happy hour wanting to network well. How on earth can you make a good impression?


Well, there are some really fundamental basic here are my five practical tips for you.


The first is, you have to know your it rarely looks when friends call or text me say :“I have a big presentation, I'm so nervous, what do we do.”I say, “how well do you know your content?”Because if you're making it up on the slide,it's probably going to translate like,you don't know your stuff.



My second tip is, be many times have you sat through a meeting or watch a speaker where they just went in this like presentation mode,they looked uncomfortable,maybe they looked a little nervous,their eyes are all over the place,and their body deceives them.

Just be authentic.I encourage our clients to consider each presentation or speaking opportunity as conversation with people in your one conversation, with another conversation, and another s what? We're human,we relate to other just be yourself, be likeable, be relatable.

我的第三個建議是,眼神接觸。我們都知道,不是嗎?在大學裏被教過無數次,我們知道要做這個 -- 眼神接觸,我總是對我的客户感到驚訝。他們其實不知道怎麼做才好。


The third tip I have is, eye know, right, College 101 speaking 101,we know to make it, eye contact.I'm always amazed with my clients that they actually don't know what good is.

Well let me give you a little e to five seconds is really good eye contact. Now when you actually try it, it will feel like I promise you that it makes the impression of confidence, authority,and like you really do know your stuff and hopefully you do.


The fourth tip has to do with on earth do we do with our hands when we're talking?I'm always surprised that at weddings when people ask “hey so what you do.”I tell them my business like what do I do with my here is some really practical relax of my clients, they get nervous,their hands collapse in front of their it looks like nerves or they're them relax at your side,be animated, use them in good then let them relax.


My fifth practical tip, has to do with those filler know which ones I'm talking about the pesky ones like emm, ah, and, so, like, 're riddled throughout our presentations,why do we do that?Well my observation, most of the time its do we start to weed out these really distracting words?So that we sound more confident,and we sound more articulate.


While I coach my clients to start chunking up their information, meaning,give an idea or two and then pause,and start to develop your content into pieces that people can actually also allows you the self-control to pause in between ing is the anti filler those are my five very practical tips to speaking with more confidence.





